Pallo Coffeetool Group Head


Pallo is an industry leader in creating tools to clean espresso equipment and the CoffeeTool group head cleaning brush may be its best known product. The CoffeeTool brush is shaped to allow for easy scrubbing of the group head with its firm nylon bristles, positioned at the correct angle. It also includes a dosing spoon at the other end of the handle to make your back flush routine particularly easy.

Unlike other cleaning brushes, the Pallo CoffeeTool includes some extra helpful features like a hot water deflector to prevent burns, and the option to replace the brush bristles rather than the whole brush!

Try the Pallo Coffeetool with Urnex Cafiza for the best results.

Pallo Coffeetool Group Head

Brush features

  • Ergonomic handle shape for comfort and ease of cleaning
  • Replaceable brush heads available
  • Patented water deflector fins to protect the hand from scalding water
  • Scoop end doses appropriate amount of espresso detergent
  • Includes steam wand vent hole unclogger