Pallo Caffeine Wrench Barista Tool


The Pallo Caffeine Wrench is an all in one tool for your day to day machine maintenance. This multi-tool is designed to help remove steam wand tips and shower screens, clean steam wands, remove stubborn portafilter baskets and it’ll even crack open a beer for you after a hard day’s work. If you work on espresso machines, you need one of these!

Pallo Caffeine Wrench Barista Tool features

  • 4 Different size steam wand wrenches
  • Wrench tip designed to help remove stubborn baskets
  • Screwdriver to remove shower screens
  • Steam wand scraper
  • Thermometer calibrator
  • 8mm group bolt wrench
  • Soft gasket probe
  • Handy bottle opener
SKU: PACW001 Category: